I actually don’t actually know if I can talk or write about Jesus. That is such an unbelievably intimate topic for me. While I sing about Him every Sunday, sharing details of our relationship feels so personal.
Jesus is always there for me. When I turn my attention to Him I feel His presence immediately. In turn, I am not such a good friend. I mostly, but unintentionally, ignore him until something outrageous happens and I am forced to see him; and I do. He is there, beautifully connecting with my heart and forcing my senses to acknowledge him; but then I am easily distracted and move on and away from Him.
However, something has changed. I no longer can ignore and brush-off the things that He is asking of me. I no longer can pretend that I don’t hear him. Although, admittedly, I do try. His presence has become overwhelming and His voice is gently, but vigorously demanding my attention. In all honesty, I only know a little of what He is asking of me. I think He wants more music. He wants me to create an on-line presence to share His love, beauty and mercy. I don’t know why My Good Lord wants this. There are lots of other Jesus things on the internet and there are amazing hymns written for Him. I don’t feel I have anything better to offer that what is already there. However, this pulling I experience inside is so distracting that I feel the only way I can quell these feelings is to express them; so here we are.
So, for whatever reason, I am going to take these steps and attempt to be courageous. This expression feels funny to me and intimate, and I feel small and silly in return. But I do have lots to say and share regarding Our Good Lord, who does so much for us and loves us so dearly. There is nothing that I can do or say that could possibly express or even compliment the magnitude of the things that Jesus has done for us. However, these are interesting times and perhaps this is what is needed in the world right now. I am excited to share wonderful music and discussions regarding Jesus as a man and the Son of God.
My limited mind can only perceive a very small part of the larger story, that is the story of Jesus Christ. However, I know that there is a bigger story. There is more to the story and our experience. As little humans, with little understanding, we are only shown a very small part of the big picture. So with this perspective, I seek to do as He is requiring me to do, in hopes that we will come to experience the depth of His love and Mercy during a tumultuous time in the world. I have to step over myself and my brokenness to share these details that I have held in secret. I actually wish I could continue to reside with Him in secret, but it is seeming that I am not afforded this luxury any longer, and so let me briefly introduce myself.
I am a wife, mother of two boys, a music director, producer, writer and singer. I am a practicing Catholic and have been a music Director at Immaculate Conception Church in Sparks, Nevada for the last 12 years. I have been a musician my entire life and was part of my family's spiritual band Shanti Shanti since I was a child. That is a whole other story, which we can save for another time. I love to write and I love to sing, and while I have often attempted to be secular in these pursuits, I am again and again draw to the beauty and love of the divine and have found my art to reside in that expression exclusively. So it is here that we shall start our discussion. May we be blessed in this expression of Love.